Turn your gifts into unique treasures with gift items from Über Bruno

Hellinger Bruno presents a variety of gift items under the brand 'About Bruno'. Discover incomparable treasures that transform your gifts into special pieces.

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Bruno's gift items: uniqueness for every occasion

Bruno, also known as “Boss from Hause Black Diamonds” at the kennel from Krufter Waldsee, is an imposing male Rottweiler with an impressive pedigree. His sire, Simba from Heiligen Häuschen, a typical sporting representative of his breed, has always passed his tests with flying colors and is proud of his puppies. The mother, Lady from Zipfelbach, a loving bitch from Baden Wüttemberg, has brought all her puppies into the world healthy and lively.

Born on June 16, 2019 in Eulgem in the Eifel region, Bruno already stood out as a puppy - the fattest of his siblings. At nine weeks old, he found a home with the Hellinger family in the picturesque Palatinate. There he began his journey into the world of dog training in Mayen, a journey that accompanied him until his first birthday. He then joined the Pellenz dog sports team, where he continued his training. But then the corona pandemic broke out and Bruno had to continue his training privately at home under the guidance of Norbert Greiner from the Greiner dog school.

Bruno is not only an impressively strong representative of his breed, but also a worthy successor to his parents. Like them, he is also in possession of a breeding suitability test (ZTP) and is actively used in Rottweiler breeding.

His history takes him from Eulgem via the beautiful Palatinate to Kruft in the Vordereifel. His mother, Lady, comes from the renowned Zipfelbach kennel in Baden-Württemberg, the Rottweiler's country of origin. Bruno began his training from puppyhood, first at dog school and later with training for the companion dog test (BH), which was unfortunately interrupted due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, Bruno is not deterred from his path, and with his ZTP in his pocket, he is a promising representative of his breed, proudly continuing the tradition of his parents.

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Geschenkartikel mit Bruno – einzigartige Produktpalette

Tierliebhaber aufgepasst: Tauchen Sie ein in Brunos Welt der Geschenkartikel! Der stolze Rottweiler ist unser Maskottchen und die Hauptattraktion unseres Geschäfts. Diese besondere Hunderasse ist freundlich und friedlich, wirkt aber stets selbstsicher, unerschrocken und voller Energie. So bieten wir für Ihre Zwecke eine breite Produktpalette mit Bildern von unserem Bruno: Von originellen Dekoartikeln bis hin zu praktischen Haushaltsgegenständen – hier kann jedermann fündig werden. Lassen Sie sich von der Vielfalt unserer Artikel mit Bruno inspirieren und wählen Sie das perfekte Präsent aus. Freuen Sie sich auf außergewöhnliche Geschenkideen und ein unvergleichliches Shoppingerlebnis bei uns!


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